Thursday, February 24, 2011


As a beginner in the blogging world I adventured myself into the BOB’s website searching for an answer to my question: what is it with blogs that became so famous all of a sudden? After a few minutes of glaring at some pages I found the answer: DIVERSITY. DIVERSITY implies that there is a blog that suits the interests of every person and indeed I found a couple that called my attention.

<!   1. BEAUTIFUL PLACES: this blog is the perfect tourist guide for travelers in Europe. The guy that blogs presents various country destinations such as Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Monaco, Scotland, Spain and Switzerland, and for each of them he includes a series of places than one ought to visit when visiting one, some or all of these countries. Additionaly, each beautiful place includes pictures and a short description and/or history behind it, which gives tourists the perfect background information before adventuring in the European continent. Nonetheless, this blog is also available for those of us who are not planning to travel to Europe, but that simply enjoy getting to know a little bit more about the cities and cultural sites that makes the world itself a very beautiful place.
What I like the most about this blog are its pictures, which complemented by a short description can transport one’s mind to the places like the Medieval Castle De Haar in Utretch, Netherlands.

Source: De Haar Castle. (27 de August de 2010). Recuperado el 24 de February de 2011, de Beautiful Places:

<!   2. COLOURING A CORNER: the blogger’s name is Alison Bourke and she is a media professional based in London. For one year now she has been blogging about stories, projects and ideas that she encounters in the streets of London and that and that leave a mark somewhere or in someone. Art projects, people, street ideas, internet, photography, London culture, environment and community are topics that arise in this blog and that are kind of a social approach to everyday life in London. I found in this blog a social conscience and a profound appreciation towards society. Many times we do not realize that there are people who work in small projects and have ideas that might not change the world as it is, but that that send small messages that build on and on towards a better society. About this blog I especially like its name, which it’s sort of a metaphor to those small changing ideas or distinctive projects that take place every days and in every community. I can even use it to pose a question to you all: How have you colored a corner in your own community?

<!   3. NEO QUIZ SPOT: this blog belongs to an organization from India that uploads quizzes based on MBA preparing students with the intention of making learning easier. Personally, I found the quizzes so difficult that it was kind of frustrating and I don’t really see how that will make my learning process easier. However, as diversity rocks in the blogging world, there are quizzes on any topic you can possibly imagine so I’ll keep looking and hopefully I’ll find something that will make me feel smart again. Despite my negative experience with this blog I think it’s very interesting because of the previously mentioned diversity and because learning is a never stopping process. I wish you better luck than I had.


  1. Hi Erika,

    I'm really glad you enjoy my blog at! I'd be interested to know how you found it on the BOBs - I didn't know it was there and, having just visited the site at, I still can't find my Colouring a corner blog! I've had a read over your blog too and think it's wonderful and very thoughtful so keep up the good work!

    Alison x

  2. Thanks for reading my blog. It's quite an honor since it's my first time. Regarding your blog in the BOBs I tried myself to look it up, but I couldn't find it either. I'm sure it was somewhere in that website when I first read it!
    Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll be there in no time.
    PS: sorry for taking so long to write back.
